Monday, September 17, 2007

Performance Cinema Tag Cloud

Dear World,

I present an invisible tag cloud generated from "Towards a Theory of Performance Cinema" by Henry Warwick.

(The Tag Cloud is located just below. Move your mouse around down there to see the different words. Moving your mouse around in different patterns generates different linear connections between the ideas. Does this count as interactive/dynamic memeplex?)

I What is performance cinema Performance Cinema sits between traditional passive cinematic experience and the of live music Like standard it requires a picture an audience that through their very in event as meaningful This essential feature not to be underestimated will with some later important this creative practice Cinematic which up just was largely by film theory The video art especially development digital has we all know expand boundaries creativity With major theatre chains presently installing projectors theatres unipolar dominance technology now are seeing multipolar system uses both technologies too entertainment must also way field including due costs vs effect Moore s Law on but completely from common new at because about one obvious powerful would instruments presentation visual audio data performers or actors That so ll elaborate discuss what can components should made developed 1 Points editing image etc points well 2 narrative storytelling cause narratives structures Due reasons such its heritage experimental historical relationship academic for most aspects genre work terms theoretical part practitioners really issues narrativity take variety subject story telling how context 3 Most camera imagery without often even like over production However think needn t case hits point industry co option At come values necessarily thing level investment serve re focus public issue acquisition rich complex history number It object symposium solve particular there many other sources kind more where use footage found thusly our sense opposed In phenomenon perfectly consider projected element elements working theatrical sensibility actor vice versa difference they cathexis engage emotional feedback musicians who playing musician stage likely artists less much performer cathectic environment amplified seek out upon them human form becomes main method artist along continuum no proximate specific conceptual into any places these two believe active prove valuable category drive repurposing were large spaces i e Abstract Visualisation musical long evolved have been discussed Fred here his if could find him improvised visuals abstract brought aesthetically interesting signifiers fictive space mis en scene clips notion indeed players whether player Technically since exists simulation objects everything always already different non outside living things Hence consideration then One machine systems create simply question performing software may quite programmer Who do Where people why excited her felt us logical critical notions qualities peculiar medium motion projection used time ubiquity acquire own A m sure San Francisco only happen easily New few same distribution computer blessed As noted makes today political considerations While regard immediate inform Another see each fundamentally big sets Art necessity exposure those least make discourse aesthetic Now But speak developments past years good enough forces quickly world personal am developing Jitter he If my hardware continue need increasingly practices language before others might commercial IF left hands critics thinking marginalised interest maintaining hegemony fictional convinced thrive needs address works vagaries market balkanised Given inherent feel culture variant bring change rather than truly vital nearly concert Therefore value endeavour Some growing gallery museum industrial electronic coming processing devices cultural Symposium helping define aspect play movie problems parts automated chain huge corporations fact making present highly configuration society Artists don around themselves configurations VJ independent being share moment problem Internal External Problems internal first larger solved facing These run challenges next several Personality Issues various affective relative place sound department century reinforced early saw success rejected within films kinds had start Just great light shows rock deck soon came Passive historically crucial social show external They mindshare high AMC year doing something certain Also keep 000 lumen projector weighs indicated vibrant contemporary TV watching connecting fundamental LIVE My evolution idea Jersey cover band filled punk bass likes Squire John Wetton Shulman able pretty interested Scriabin organ triggered eventually wanted slides DC ideas me when screen needed looked Theory fit realised dots connected

