Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Welcome to Oblivion

Dear World,

Welcome to Oblivion.

This is the latest production by the theater company "Penumbra Theatre."

I co-founded Penumbra Theatre along with Stacey Sotosky and LeAnn Brubaker.

Oblivion is the story of Inomy.

Our story begins in a small town just on the edge of the Dead Forest at the base of the Knowmore mountains.

A Young girl named Inomy lives there with her mother, father, and newborn brother. Though Inomy was born without the ability to see, she has always had an extra sense about her, which has helped her learn how to make her way about the forest that surrounds her family's home.

Deep in the forest there lives a Lady who was trapped in a cave at the base of the mountains. Long ago she went there to rescue her own Son from an evil Lord that had kidnapped her only child shortly after birth. The Lord refused to return the child to her, and so she struck him down. However, before his form fell to ashes, he cursed her so that she could never leave his cave. The Lady has been waiting ever since for an opportunity to find the child and get him back.

In the years that passed she saved and befriended a vampire bat name Bouba, who provided her with many magical tools including a crystal ball that allows her to search the world for her missing child.

Unfortunately for Inomy, her baby brother's eyes are familiar to the Lady of the Dead forest, and so she sends her minion to retrieve who she believes is her missing child.

Inomy will have to sacrifice everything if she is to rescue her brother and save her family for Oblivion.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome videos alex - keep on rock'n.